Odevio can easily be integrated with your CI/CD pipeline to deploy your iOS apps to the App Store or generate test IPAs.

We currently support Github Actions, Gitlab and Azure DevOps, but you can use the provided scripts to integrate with other CI/CD providers.


Let us know what other tools you would like to see supported by Odevio.

Github Actions

To deploy your iOS apps to the App Store or generate test IPAs using Github Actions, you can insert this action in your workflow:


A readme with the inputs and outputs of the action and examples is available in the repository

Azure DevOps Pipelines

To deploy your iOS apps to the App Store or generate test IPAs using Azure DevOps Pipelines, you can follow the instructions in the readme available in the repository. An example of pipeline file azure-pipelines.yml is also given.

GitLab CI/CD Pipelines

To deploy your iOS apps to the App Store or generate test IPAs using GitLab CI/CD pipelines, you can follow the instructions in the README available in the repository. An example of pipeline file .gitlab-ci.yml is also given.